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Brand and Culture Building

Brand Building

As a business owner or organizational leader, understanding your target market, market niche and position within that market is essential to growth. Developing your brand and branding messages drive the consistency you need for the market to recognize you and then work with you. It creates the promise.

Building a brand identity is important for any business and it is especially important for small businesses as a differentiator from their competitors. A strong brand also leads to profitability. Yet unfortunately, many businesses (especially small businesses including family owned, soloprenuers and partnerships) do not invest the time and money to establish and refine their brand. We can help you assess your market niche and position, develop your brand expressions and image to differentiate you from your competitors.

Organizational Culture Building

Did you know that your organization's culture is an invisible keystone for a strong brand to drive your profitability? Once you identify your market (customer and audience) and the message (brand expression) you want to send into the market, it's time to deliver. And it is your company / organizational culture that creates and ensures the delivery. Culture is "how work is done around here". And it enables delivery on your promise.

Cultures develop either on their own or by intention. The "informal" culture arises in the absence of a leadership created, led, and supported culture. And an "informal" or shadow culture can be harmful. We help leaders establish and fashion a culture that is a result of value based principles important to their company, which promote growth.

Opening Possibilities Through Sound Advice
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